As the pandemic has brought my travels to a complete halt since March 2020 I am using this time to reminisce about my past travels. I am doing this via Instagram Reels primarily but the blog gives me more freedom to write and I don’t need to worry about hashtags here! You can find the…
Category: Musing

Second Dose of Covaxin in Gurgaon
I got my first dose of vaccine in Gurgaon around April 14, it was Covaxin. As I am in 45+ age category, I could walk in for my first dose. May 26th is the last date to get my second dose of Covaxin done. I was not too keen to go out but I eventually…

First Dose of Covaxin Vaccine in Gurgaon
There are three member of my family who have taken the first dose of vaccine, our age range is from 47 to 80 years. Two of us got Covishield and one, me Covaxin. I am writing this blog, in the hope that some of you might find the experience helpful. Registration Process It started with…

Possibility of a Covid 19 Third Wave in India
These days I live on internet looking for information. Coronavirus Worldometers is something I refresh multiple times these days, particularly at night. My heart sank today when I saw the numbers and they are not even final, we are nearing 300000 cases in a single day. We are firmly inside the second wave and it…

6 Things 2020 Taught Me!
It has been that kind of a year that we are going to remember for a very long time. 2020 has been no ordinary year, it is ‘shake the foundations, change the paradigms’ kind of a year that I hope the universe is in no hurry to repeat. We all have been in it together,…

You Want to Quit Studies for Travel Blogging?
I quit my job about 4 years ago, I was totally not planning on it. I often say I do not miss work, but I certainly miss my salary. My blogging income is nowhere near my professor’s salary. But since I quit my job, it is assumed I quit it for traveling. Here is what…

Not Your Usual Travel Quotes II
I am back with the second edition of not your usual travel quotes. It is a little strange that I who not only do travel blogging think of these. Don’t get me wrong, I love to travel, it is the hype that I don’t get. When young people tell me they wish to quit their…

Why I Refuse to Find a Travel Blogging Niche
Read blogging advice and finding a travel blogging niche ranks up pretty high! Yet I refuse to find a travel blogging niche and here is why. I used to be an academician before I became a full-time blogger. My travel patterns were defined by who I am, before I became a full-time blogger and blogging…

Yoga Thoughts of a Novice
I grew up in a household where yoga was a part of our day to day life. It was nothing fancy, it was just something we did. My father practiced yoga at home and we as children just learned how to do it. I have seen the book of BKS Iyengar at home since my…

When My World Turned Upside Down in a Single Night
Have you experienced a moment when your world turns upside down in a single night? I hope it never happens, but when it does, it arrives without any warning. For me it was one day in October of 2010. It was a normal day. I arrived home from work cursing the traffic. My father took…