My approach to packing is far from ideal! Most of the times I am in denial about it! I delay it as much as I can. I subconsciously think that if I would not look at it, somehow packing would get done on its own. Unfortunately it never happens. But as I end up taking…
Tag: packing
The Mayhem Called Packing
I love to travel but I hate to pack. Packing gives me anxiety; packing is akin to nightmare for me. For international trips there are visas to worry about. I have got them on the last possible day on so many occasions, which meant last minute packing! That is why I so love visa on…
When do you pack if you are about to travel?
The bags are not yet fully packed but I am off to Andaman soon. I used to have this Lighthouse Lands’ End Luggage before but it got spoiled, it was a gift to me by the company. They had assured me that if it ever got spoiled they would replace it. And good to…