The bags are not yet fully packed but I am off to Andaman soon. I used to have this Lighthouse Lands’ End Luggage before but it got spoiled, it was a gift to me by the company. They had assured me that if it ever got spoiled they would replace it. And good to their words they did. I have unpacked the bag now. I like it quite a lot. It is the first journey of this bag and it goes to Andaman with me. But I had another one like it before and it traveled with me to a lot of places!
If traveling in India I am not worried about the documents so I pack pretty last minute. If I am traveling abroad I usually pack a night before because I am scared about not packing an important document and then facing hassle at immigration!
When do you start packing if you have to travel?
I pack two to three hours before I have to start the journey from the home 🙂
For long journeys I pack in advance.
Didi, Depends in advance with whom I’m travelling. With little one I need to start packing couple of days in advance. I’m so happy to read all you blogs seems like I’m travelling arcoss everywhere.
Also, very happy journey in advance !!
I also pack well in advance . happy journey Mridula.
Just one hour or one and a half hour before I start packing before I leave for tour
Based on my past travel experiences I have created an exhaustive checklist of things to pack and things that I need to do before leaving home. For international travels, I pack one day before my departure. I am a light traveler – this means a light backpack as my cabin luggage and one small suitcase as check-in baggage.
You must email a detailed itinerary of your travel to your close friends and family members before you leave home.
i start packing mentally at least a week in advance, start randomly putting things in as and when i remember, and then a day or so before i leave, start packing properly….have a tendency to overpack…. carry lots of stuff i dont really use…every time, i try to cut down on things, but seem to need only the things i leave behind 🙂