I liked the way sun was looking behind this tree. Clicked it on one of my bird rounds in the neighborhood. Realized the light was on the low side for bird photography though. For more beautiful skies of the world please visit the Skywatch Page.
My 'Memories of a Lifetime' on CLAY now
I had written an article for CLAY (Club Mahindra Travel Blog) for their trip of a lifetime contest. Was also invited to their Sikkim Blogger’s Trip but could not make it as it was just after the Commonwealth Games Break. Could not ask for another week of leave as the college was closed anyway for the…
More Green Bee Eating Birds
Green Bee Eating Birds are really common in my area. So I often do not photograph them. But then this time Brat 1 kept insisting that you try and catch one in flight. I told him it usually takes a few hours to get a shot like that. But he was not to be deterred….
Green Sandpiper
Dilip D is Brat 1. While he and I were walking on the Sunday afternoon, he suddenly looked over a wall and said there is a bird. So, I gave him the camera because from the road I could not see over the wall. Brat 1 has an advantage that he is around 6 feet…
Black Redstart
These days when I see a new bird (to me) in the neighborhood I get really excited because most of the times I get to see the same birds like Jungle Babblers, Purple Sunbirds, Mynas and the like. I had to ask about this one at Indiamike. So now I know what a Black Redstart…
Bluethroat (Luscinia svecica)- A Small Cute Bird
Chhavi and Sesha had gone to visit my sister and my niece (Brat 3) over the weekend. I decided to go for walks and see what birds I get to click. I took Brat 1 also along (Brat 2 is in Dubai on a 10 month internship) and we wandered for a few hours. In…
Lazy Sunday Photo- A White Wag Tail
Birds (White Wag Tails) from my usual ATM run within the college.
A Long Tailed Shrike
Managed to click a few pictures of the Long Tailed Shrike. Saw it first time in my neighborhood. Have seen it in Bhimtal before. And then it obliged by showing a little of its wings.
Sky Watch Friday- Another Jaipur Sunset
Another of the Nahargarh sunsets in Jaipur. Nahargarh is a fort at some height over the city. So it gives a view sprawling of the city below. This picture I took using my 7-300mm zoom lens. I clicked the Jaipur sunset pictures with a wide angle lens as well. For more images of the skies…