If you are looking for reasons to go to Jordan, I will give you five of my experiences. 5. The Biblical Sites Jordan is popular with Christians for the biblical sites. Mt Nebo, Madaba, Bethany Beyond the Jordan, all have deep significance for Christianity. 4. Fabulous Amman Amman is the capital city. I found it…
Category: Jordan

Amman Citadel, Jordan
This year starting from March till about now, I traveled a lot. When I traveled a lot I would crib because I was traveling too much, which would leave me very tired. Then for the past two weeks I have been at home. So, now I am getting nostalgic about traveling and then, you guessed…

Immigration Fun!
Immigration and fun are almost an oxymoron, at least in most of the places I visited. But Jordan changed all that, I can now say immigration fun in the same sentence. While going into Jordan. it was almost the same as anywhere else, getting out of Jordan was fun. But then first things first. I…

Vegetarian Food in Jordan
In many nations, vegetarianism is not much of a concept. Before I went I classified Jordan in that category. I know being a vegetarian is not too good for traveling but then that is who I am and that is what I am going to remain. I do eat eggs. When push comes to a…

The Dead Sea Experience in Jordan
It was my niece Vasudha who spiked my interest in the Dead Sea, Jordan when she heard that her masi (Aunt) was going. She read in her geography lesson that you could easily float in the Dead Sea. She was quite excited that I was visiting it. Of course she wanted to come but I gave…

The Complete Jordan Trip
When the plane started making its descent at the Queen Alia International Airport, Amman, Jordan I was hooked to my window seat. If someone could have seen me from the other side, they would find my face quashed flat against the window. The landscape unfolding beneath was unlike any other I had seen ever before!…

Roman Theater, Amman
For today’s sky watch I present the Roman Theater Amman. It is a huge structure and you can see only a little of sky and a lot of the amphitheater. But it was such a sight to behold! The theater could seat 60,000 people. It was built in 131-168 AD (or what is said as CE…

Dress Code for Women in Jordan
Before going to Jordan I was searching on the net to see what I could figure about dress code for women in Jordan. What I read, surprised me a little. I figured out that wearing sleeveless shirts was not such a good idea, neither was wearing shorts, nor a short dress. I was curious to…

Masquerading as Media
My excitement knew no bounds when I was invited to Jordan to cover the Pope’s mass at Amman Stadium. I was also quite realistic about my chances of actually photographing the pope. On the D Day, the media movement started quite early in the morning. We went to the cultural center at Amman. After a…

On a Mission of Hope and Peace- Pope Francis in Jordan and Beyond
Pope Francis visit to Jordan and beyond has already been hauled as historic. I was part of the Indian media team that was invited by the Jordan Tourism Board to cover the event. When the ‘popemobile’ entered the Amman Stadium, the crowds erupted in a deafening cheer. The charismatic Pope Francis waved to the crowds….