My daughter is quite equally faithful to both, but she can’t understand the common hysteria that surrounds around watching the world cup matches. And that is when Brat 2 is away in Russia, only Brat 1 and I make the noise! Since Brat 1 and 2 both are very fond of football, she kicks the ball quite well by now.
wow! another footie fan in the making!!! give a bug hug to chhavi… she looks so cute with her ball and doll!!
Thank you Anu and I will give her the hug!
Diago Diago All the way
Tarun 😀
Did you see how Germay shot their 4 goals.. amazing!
Doli I am not watching the late night matches as I have to drive quite a lot the next day. 🙁
hello madam,
just read ur blog in travelblog.com.Nice to know about ur interest and salute your dare to dominate attitude as u choses the toughest route in the world i.e MANALI – LEH ROUTE.
Nothing to rite more ……..at the end…JUST TO SAY HELLO….
Thank you Amit for your kind words.