I got my first dose of vaccine in Gurgaon around April 14, it was Covaxin. As I am in 45+ age category, I could walk in for my first dose. May 26th is the last date to get my second dose of Covaxin done. I was not too keen to go out but I eventually…
Tag: covid19

First Dose of Covaxin Vaccine in Gurgaon
There are three member of my family who have taken the first dose of vaccine, our age range is from 47 to 80 years. Two of us got Covishield and one, me Covaxin. I am writing this blog, in the hope that some of you might find the experience helpful. Registration Process It started with…

Possibility of a Covid 19 Third Wave in India
These days I live on internet looking for information. Coronavirus Worldometers is something I refresh multiple times these days, particularly at night. My heart sank today when I saw the numbers and they are not even final, we are nearing 300000 cases in a single day. We are firmly inside the second wave and it…