My joy knew no bounds when me made an unscheduled stop at the Dada Harir Ni Vav, a beautiful stepwell in Ahmadabad. It is also known as Bai Harir Ni Vav. I absolutely adore visiting stepwells and in India they go by many names, Vav, wav, baori, baoli and I am sure a few more….
Tag: Baoli

Panna Meena Ki Baori or Kund- A Stepwell in Jaipur
I have been to Jaipur umpteen times. My association with Jaipur started in 1990s when I did my graduation and post-graduation at Banasthali Vidyapeet. If you wish to read more about Jaipur check out the Expedia guide, where I am quoted as well. And yet it took me 16 years to stumble upon Panna Meena…