How do you feel about airports? I guess it is a love-hate relationship? I am at that stage of traveling where I still don’t mind waiting at the airport quietly for an hour or so for my flight. In other words I am not a frequent traveler!
me too not a frequent flyer and dont mind waiting at the airport. but this is exactly why i dont like flying that much. even for a 1hr flight, u need another 2 hrs on either side 🙁 this can be really irritating if the flight is at odd times.
Though I’m not a frequent flier, during my journeys I never felt taking out my camera in airports & in air!! Transit time always meant (so far) reading a book or dozing off waiting for the next flight!
Nice,,,, but i never boarded plane 🙂
Nice work…… You may simple moments look so attractive.
me too not a frequent flyer and dont mind waiting at the airport. but this is exactly why i dont like flying that much. even for a 1hr flight, u need another 2 hrs on either side 🙁 this can be really irritating if the flight is at odd times.
what time was it? looks pretty deserted.
Though I’m not a frequent flier, during my journeys I never felt taking out my camera in airports & in air!! Transit time always meant (so far) reading a book or dozing off waiting for the next flight!