Ducks at River Cherwell, Oxford OK, I know they will have different name but at the moment I can’t think of them as anything but ducks.
Here Comes the Sun
I saw the sun today for a brief while in the morning. The sunrise is late here, around 8.00 am the sky was full of colors and I was awake and walking to bus stop. I had ample time and went via the Lancaster Castle (which is actually Her Majesty’s prison! More on this later)….
Minus Colors!
London (Hyde Park) in November 2007 This was at the beginning of November. I think this time I am going to get the cold minus the colors!
Hi from a Rainy and Windy Lancaster!
I could not sleep beyond six in the morning today. I had gone to bed at 8.00pm the previous day, a record for me indeed. Hence after 10 hours I had to wake up! Made a cup of tea and took a look out. It was raining! Pouring actually. A little later I went for…
The Omnious Weather Forecast!
The Weather Forecast for Lancaster for the next few days doesn’t look good. I am packing more than one book! PS. This is a scheduled post and the picture above was taken in Leeds in 2008.
Shringi Vatika, Himachal Pradesh
A Small Water Fall at Shringi Vatika, Himachal Pradesh
Lazy Sunday Photo- London
Near Hyde Park, London I took this picture for the car that had stopped on the traffic light. I am scheduling this post, at this point I would be in UK but not blogging live.
I am Off Soon
Bird in Flight (I clicked this blurred picture of a bee eating bird) I have scheduled a few posts. Will be back towards the end of the month. Till then would not be able to respond to the comments. Let us see how do I react to the cold?
A Typical Indian Dhaba
A Dhaba at Bundi I had tea even though it was scorching hot in September. Brat 2 had both cold drink and tea!
Friday Flowers, Purple Flowers
Purple Flowers (Clicked in London, November 2007) If you know the name please drop a line. If you know about a website that lists flower names accessibe to a lay leader plese let me know.