Found these White Wagtails as usual next to a drainage!
An Unexpected Trip to Mumbai
I am off to Mumbai tomorrow (for work) and will be back on Friday. I will lug my laptop around but not sure if I would be able to connect. Came to know that I am going just today afternoon. But then next week I could be going to Mumbai again but waiting for the…
Mustard Field
This Sunday I went on the bird round along with Brat 1 (my elder nephew). With him I can venture out further. Got some bird pictures but also realized that I could photograph the mustard fields nearby. But the trouble on Sunday was that I only had the 70-300mm zoom lens with me. So, I…
Red Brested Flycatcher
Red Brested Flycatcher is one beautiful bird, it would let me come quite close with my 30-700mm lens and let me take a few decent pictures. Managed to get it identified on Indiamike as usual. The male has a red spot but not the one I spotted. But let us see what I get this…
Lazy Sunday Photo- Black Ibis from Gir, Gujarat
There was too much light, the bird was partially in shade but I had to click the Black Ibis. I can also see the picture of the bird tagged as Red Naped Ibis. I saw it many times but never got a good photo opportunity.
A Nightjar at Gir, Gujarat
A Nightjar is a nocturnal bird. It was so difficult to spot and then photograph. You can see how well camouflaged the bird is. I used Picnik to edit it and whatever little I used it for, I am liking it, gives me more flexibility than Picasa and yet lets me upload the pictures from Picasa itself. Clicked…
Friday Flowers- Chrysanthemums from the Neighbor's Pots
These lovely Chrysanthemum flowers are growing next door. What a joy they are!
Skywatch Friday- Sunset Colors at Gurgaon
For quite a few days we had Grey skies here. But in this week there were quite a few sunny days. This picture is from one of the better days. Today it is partly cloudy so I hope there would be colors at the sunset. Let us see. There was one day when I saw…
Yet More Purple Sunbirds
I managed to click Purple Sunbirds on Saturday and then on the same Bottle Brush Flowers I found it again. I guess I just got lucky. Let us see if I find it again on this weekend as well, these and the Indian Grey Hornbill as well. And to think of it that I had…
Another Green Bee Eating Bird
Another one of the backyard birds, a Green Bee Eating Bird this time. Liked the way I could get the red of the eyes. Never managed to see it before.