If you have been blogging for some time now you might have noticed that our blogs change, they go through phases and at least in my case my blog has grown up with me. When I look at some of my earlier posts and the pictures I posted I often wonder aloud- how could I have ever posted that pic? In my case it has been 7 years of blogging and seems like a long, long time.
I started blogging because my sister and brother-in-law insisted that I blog too and gave me no peace till I started. Initially I would blog whenever I felt like but for past few years (I have not kept count) I make you all on my RSS (or those who read my stuff regularly even otherwise) suffer almost daily.

There was a time when I would take my blog only so seriously. Not that I take it (or myself) too seriously even now but there is one difference. I will tell you what but in a minute.
When I started, it was for pure fun, for recording my journeys and since I would anyway take pictures, I would put a few in my posts too. Then came a time when I would post only pictures on this blog. But thankfully I outgrew it.
To begin with, I was not so serious about my photography but it really grew on me. I have developed a passion for photography that refuses to go away or diminish in any way! And I hold this blog responsible for it!
Slowly I started getting invited by hotels (the first trip was in 2006 I think) in India. Some money (largely loose change but sometimes a little more) also started coming my way through blogging. Recently I got invited to Malaysia because of my blog!
Even till the start of this year if I ever got worked up about my blog traffic etc. I would ask myself- “why did you started blogging?” and the answer would be- “because it was fun.”
Did you notice the past tense. Try as I may, this tried and tested recipe is not working any longer. If I get worked up now about my blog due to some reason (like that tweet button on the top of the posts is not working and I have no clue how to fix it) I try asking myself again, “so why do you blog?” But in reply all I get is a silence. I am not sure of the answer any longer and I do not know if it is a good thing or a bad thing. I hope time will tell.
How long have you been blogging? Have you changed as a blogger? Do share your thoughts. I would love to hear from you on this.
Nice to know how your blogging life began. Am sure your blog would reach great heights in the future.
“so why do you blog?” But in reply all I get is a silence. – Now what does tht mean?
N I truly feel its something u(or any blogger) do cause they enjoy – nogt cause they obligated to do it. And in your case it truly captures the passion you have for travel.. so keep writing!
All I know is I am very new to blogging. There are bloggers specially travel bloggers very senior and I know one. I think she is the oldest travel blogger. You too writing for few years. All I can say: Keep traveling, Keep writing.
– Best Wishes!
I can so understand this! I too started off because my sister in law insisted I write on the net what I wrote in my diary.. and today, the diary has disappeared, while the blog continues… and yes, the journey has changed me.. from the posts i wrote 5 years back.. to the posts i write now.. the photos i click.. the way i think when i go somewhere….and when i ask myself why i write, the answer has changed too.. because i need to write, i need to share what i experience, what I think, when i go somewhere.. or do something…it has become a compulsion of sorts.. though i still cant come anywhere near the number of posts u have been posting 😀
but of course, the best thing about blogging has been meeting like minded people like you.. if it wasnt for my blog, i would probably never have made as many online friends as I have.. and thats something I really treasure! and u posting every single day has been a major inspiration for me… have been trying to, but can do it only intermittently, and wonder how u manage… meanwhile, keep up the good work, because we love reading your posts!
I’ve just been blogging for a little over a year and am going through the exact same thought process… and while I am open to the experiences that are being offered due to my blogs I am also detaching myself from the rat race and just going back to the initial reason I started blogging… because I enjoy doing it.
Thanks Niranjan. 😀
Mia that is what I also thought 😀
Thanks Tushar that is what I too hope for.
Anu thanks for sharing your thoughts. And we should meet in person the next time either you are here or I come to Bombay!
Raghav, when I started there was no rat race or at least I didn’t feel it. I have been pondering on that too!
hi, i agree , and I with my blog have grown as a person, as i expressed my thoughts, and i like this change…….
Me too.
That sight of the light was an awesome sight indeed! Like blessings from the sky!
Thanks Firas.