My complete story about Bhimtal (Uttrakhand) is now up at Gonomad.
On the way we were joined by a village elder and he and Sanjay started talking. Soon they discovered they knew quite a few people in common who worked at the lodge and were related to this gentleman.
Somewhere in between he indicated a short cut and then said to me in Hindi, “I hope you will be able to climb down that way.” I could see he did not trust me much on his mountain paths!
he may not be knowing nothing can stop mridula..what say? cheers buddy
lovely photo will be reading ur post 🙂
Went thru it nicely written :)..Long Live Traffic Gods
wow the way you have written the story itself makes me want to visit the place..
Very nice read Mridula, as always.
Ramesh 😀
Tarun 😀
Doli thank you.
Thank you Ajeya.
Good one, Mridula.. I left a comment earlier, but it doesnt seem to have worked…,
i just returned from Binsar, and we passed via Bhimtal on the way there….. didnt stop though..but told shankar and samhith that u had been there….. we were wondering whether to take a detour and see the place where u had been, but the mountains were getting a bit too much for me…. like u, i too feel nauseous, but hate taking any pills… so decided to go straight on…..