I often say I became interested in birds only after I acquired my zoom lens. Then I could bring the birds closer and ask my more knowledge friends to identify them for me. And gradually it grew on me. I don’t have any super zooms, only a 70-300 mm lens. So to get a reasonable picture I am actually at the mercy of the bird. If it lets me inch closer I get a decent shot, if not then I try another bird! So when I got an opportunity to research and visit some of the birding sites in Malaysia I did a piece on Hotspots for birding in Malaysia. Do check it out.

This article was part of a publication for Tourism Malaysia. If you enjoyed this article and would like to find out more about travelling to Malaysia, please visit the Tourism Malaysia website.
Nice click!!
Good going there! U must be now knowing quite a few bird names. For me all of them fall under one big category “BIRDS”!
All one need is passion and a camera maybe and the wish to share photos.
Thanks for capturing and sharing as well. Keep traveling. Best Wishes!
Mridula, I am sure you are not the only person who’s attraction for birds came after they acquired a zoom lens. I too did the same thing. While photographing wildlife is my number one passion, photographing birds would have to come in second. At my house, I have an abundance of wild birds, specifically parrots that come to be fed. I spend many hours watching and photographing them.
It is a good past -time and I believe a very healthy one.