When I post for sky watch most of pictures are either clouds or sunsets. I am not a morning person. But since I learned (and it was a long time ago) that the morning light can do wonders for your photographs I have been making an effort! I was told that the sunrise was at 6.30 at Lakshman Sagar. So when I got up at 6.00 am and saw that it was dark outside I merrily went back to sleep again. I opened my eyes with a lot of effort and saw that it was light outside at 6.30. So my camera in my hand I went out. Only to find no sun! I was left wondering why the sun was refusing to come out!

But when it came out, what a sight it was! It was a glorious start to the day and I was glad I made the effort to get up. And about the sun refusing to come out bit, well I think the sunrise at Lakshman Sagar was at 7.00 am. On both the days that I got up before the sun it finally showed its face only at 7.00 am.
This post is part of Sky Watch Friday. Please visit the Sky Watch page to see more pictures. Better still share your own with us.
PS. A selection of my Lakshman Sagar pictures are now featuring on Rediff.
great sky shot
Nature Beauty
absolutely magnificent…I love watching dawn, sometimes more than sunset… something about the stillness, the silence at that time… really a spectacular image!
What a spectacular capture of an such a glorious sunrise, Mridula!! This one truly took my breath away! The sun rays are amazing! What an incredible start for any day! Thank you so much for sharing this!! Have a great weekend — hopefully with more beautiful skies!
thts such a perfect click! You can almost make out sun rays in the pic
what a glorious sunrise! this is well-worth the effort of getting up early.:p
i’m not also a morning person and my friends always find it funny that i make an effort to wake up early to capture a sunrise when i’m on vacation.:p
Breathtaking! Happy Thanksgiving and Happy sky watching.
Moments Before Sun Down
Brilliant capture!!
Beautiful capture, Mridula!!!such sights are what make us want to get up early on vacation!
Wow, worth getting up (early) for! Well, as long as you are in the right place – where I am it has been raining all day so it was still quite dark at 9 a.m.
Indeed a glorious one.
Perfect Capture Mridula. liked the sunrays.
Awesome capture, Mridula!!
An almost excellent photo. Thanks for sharing.
I dont have words I AM SPELLBOUND