If you have read even a few of my posts you know I largely stay away from culture and food. So now that I have blogged almost everything else I thought it was about time I tried my hand at culture and food. I had the opportunity to listen to some Yoik drumming of the…
Category: Finland

Helsinki- A Few Stolen Moments!
Helsinki was more of a stopover on my Lapland trip with Nokia. When I arrived, it was 12.00 midnight. All I did was to take a taxi and crash at the Airport Holiday Inn. Now what would I give to take a taxi without any fear at midnight in Delhi but then I wonder if…

A Visit to Nokia House, Helsinki
After -22 degree Celsius of Levi, Lapland, -2 of Helsinki felt comfortable. After arrival at the Helsinki Airport (with free wifi) the first thing we went in search for was food. All 4 of us were hungry. Between us there was a lot of luggage so I offered to guard it while others promised to…

When I Stayed in the Levi Spirit Villa!
My personal traveling style certainly does not include staying in villas! I do not earn enough, and even if I do, I cannot spend it on villas. I want to travel every 15 days, I certainly do not earn enough to stay every 15 days in a posh accommodation. How I wish I could take…

A Glimpse of Helsinki through Clouds
I am a window seat frenetic. I sulk and sulk through a flight if I am denied of one! From 18 to 23 March I took 6 flights in all. Much to my regret, I managed window seats only on four flights- Munich Helsinki, Helsinki Kittila, Kittila Helsinki and Munich Delhi. When I saw others…

The Husky Ride- When My Hands Almost Froze!
I am scared of them Doggies. When I got to know about the Husky Dog Sledge ride in Levi (Lapland, Finland) at the #lumiainlapland event, I had mixed feelings. I was not sure how I would react to a dog sledge ride. But then I had to give it a try! I also did not…

The Ultimate Finnish Sauna Experience
Even before leaving for the #lumiainlapland we were told to carry our swim suites for the sauna experience. I have been to saunas in the past but within Indian spas. The Finnish take the sauna experience to an altogether different level. First of all we have to take into account the weather. When I landed…

When My Bones Turned to Jelly!
I am not a big fan of driving anything that has petrol in it. Snow mobile was no exception. I was given an opportunity to experience the snow mobile at Levi, Lapland that is in Finland. The event was known as #lumiainlapland Anyway, I forgot my driving license in the room. So, I decided I…

Colors at Iittala Store, Helsinki
Glasses, tumblers, plates etc. bore me to death. But as I was walking along with others on the #lumiainlapland trip I had no option. They wanted to go to the Iittala Store in Helsinki, I had to go in as well. There was something about this place though that I almost ended up buying stuff….

Hear Us Scream
I did some crazy things in Lapland (Finland) this time. At Levi where we stayed the temperature was always in minus, from -22 to -1! So, the Finns enjoy sitting in a sauna because it is cold and they took us there too. But for some crazy reason they like taking a dip in ice…