I think all travelers across the world love a good bargain and hence comparing flight ticket rates for cheap air tickets is such a big draw! And more than anyone else I guess we Indian’s just love a bargain and love to bargain. I don’t know how involved you are personally or what you consider to be the best practices but I play the game only to an extent.
If you ask me I am pretty indifferent between FSA (full service airline) and a LCA (low cost airline). If someone else is paying they are welcome to consider a full service airline 😀 but if I am paying I will go for a low cost airline. But off late almost all my flights have been either on Spicejet or Indigo. Service wise I think both do a very good job but I give a lot of brownie points to Indigo for their ramps and the difference they make in the life of people who need wheel chair access right up to the aircraft. I thought this point would be obvious to anyone but in a recent conversation I realized it is not so easily understood. Disability access is something that had not taken a hold on the Indian psyche!
I Love that Window Seat!
But coming back to comparing flight ticket rates I feel I will go will some Econ 101 (a basic introductory course in economics which many of us do) theory. It says instead of maximizing our returns we look for a satisfactory return. Why so? That is because information search takes time and no one has perfect information. I mean when I search for low cost tickets I do not move heaven and earth. I would look through Make My Trip and a few other such sites and then in the end I buy when I see a fare that is friendly to my pocket. Also sometimes the lowest fare is actually available from the airline website itself rather than any place else.
What do you do when you plan to book a ticket. And to Meena, we should meet in Bangalore!
I check all major sites including directly.Hopefully one of the other would have a good price. Disability access is something that our airlines needs to pay attention to.
Tht pic is worth a million dollars!
we have visit at many city in india via flight .
comparing ticket is valuable for Us because it saves our money.
good information before starting the flight journey compare prices