What do you like to click most? Have you ever asked yourself this question? There was a time when it would have been difficult for me to pick among landscapes, flowers, birds and butterflies. I even thought I liked street photography though I am deadly scared of photographing strangers unless they ask me to. And with a DSLR it was quite tempting to think of all the lens I could/would/need to buy!

I went as far as buying two more lenses apart from the kit lens. And then I realized both were hardly being used. I was forced to asked myself the question- what do I like clicking most? And what do I need for it? The answer was very clear- I love landscapes most. For that my kit lens was quite good and there is usually enough light naturally! OK for the low light shots I could think of a tripod but I have seen I often don’t get time to use it.
It is true that for me travel has been of primary importance and photography complements it nicely. Also both are not my profession. I am sure a photographer would reject all that I am saying. But when I forced myself to think about my photography I managed to simply my equipment needs.
From now on my first priority will be to go for equipment that compliments clicking landscapes. And that 10-20 lens costs more than what was the cost of my Canon D550!
It also does not mean I would not click other things, it is just about knowing what do I like most.
What do you think? What do you like to click most?
I need a zoom lens to click close shots of birds etc. So far managing with digicam which has good zoom, instead of buying another lens
Good question, Mridula. I like to take snapshots of my special family moments with my loved ones while we are doing the things we enjoy most – it could be meeting friends, eating out, traveling to a new place.
My camera’s got decadent….what camera would you advise within a reasonable budget? As you probably know, my purpose is to keep the family pics constantly updated than anythingelse. Would value your recco.
I am yet to ask this question. But I think I like to click people, mostly my kids 🙂
Hi Mridula
For the amount of trekking that you do its not a surprise that you like clicking landscapes….:) I like clicking pictures of my family mainly my son …Have been trying to capture every naughty act of his on camera 🙂 For that my good old automatic canon would do…No DSLR or hi tech stuff needed!
My brother once said that I like to photograph “inanimate objects”. It was only then that I realised what type of photography I did. I photographed buildings, stations, trains, doors, landscapes, cars, etc. – but no people.
In theory, I love street photography, but I am always worried about infringing on someone’s privacy.
I normally take landscape shots,rocks and clouds.
I love clicking flowers but always land up clicking temple pics;)
Skies. Living in crowded Kolkata, I never tire of whipping out my cell phone to try and catch the immense beauty.
Just photograph what you like, what moves you, what connects with you. The rest will take care of itself.
A picture is an image one creates for self, in one’s own mind’s eye, whatever that may be.
The aesthetic, and composition kick in later, but first comes ‘connection’ with the subject.
You might want to try Macro with flowers if you haven’t already.
I like to capture nature mostly, and want to experiment with objects too! People is a difficult subject for me.
Mridula, your nature pics are just awesome!!
I am not very skilled at taking photographs. But, love to capture Nature in various forms…Also love taking my pet pics 😀
If I had to photograph then I would photograph people the most. A good photograph is a million words.
Don’t worry your EF-s 10-20 lens will retain its value for a long time. Lenses depreciate slowly. Cameras depreciate faster.
I used to focus only on tiger. May be more than 90% of my shots were of tiger as I am passionate about it. Then I realised that unless I document our other wildlife and wilderness areas, then it won’t help in conservation. Now that I am more into filming, I am filming/shooting on well defined subjects.
Landscape is my convenient choice because I travel a lot. But I personally love macro and street photography!
Nice pic! I love clicking old monuments and food.
What do You Like to Photograph Most?
Answer is here: http://atulika.clanteam.com
What do You Like to Photograph Most?
Answer is here: http://atulika.clanteam.com
interesting question, Mridula!! and reading all the comments even more so! and i guess for me, like Sudha says, inanimate objects and nature are what i love to click…. landscapes and any form of nature is what i am happy shooting… i love the idea of capturing ppl on camera, but somehow am a bit hesitant when it comes to clicking ppl
I am no photographer and only have a point and shoot camera. But I do like taking pictures in the city and of nature. Now that I have started a travel blog, clicking plenty of pictures with a story to it in mind has become a must on every trip!
I like to click big old historical building yes which definitley my kit lens ful fil my needs but i carve for wide angle lense something at 20mm. I have a zoom lens too 55-200mm to ful fill my needs of potrait photography but who knows i’d be carving for more lenses very soon
For me I love shooting wildlife so my 100-400m lens gets the most use.