The stuff that the motorcycle was carrying was quite colorful. I have seen them quite a few number of times, so maybe there will be a next time. I wish I could take a better picture but mobile phone upgrade is not due for many years! Anyone who is happy with their mobile phone camera?
u dint answer will repeat..hehe..btw, if at all i meet u sometime, u being my great friend, should tell me secretly…how do u manage such great photo clicks yar?
Ramesh you are kind. Long back I was in Dubai (2001, was coming from Athens) and had a wretchd 23 hour layover till my next flight!The trick of clicking good pictures to go to places where you just have to take out the camera and shoot. Ladakh is one example.
I am not happy but all I know – phone is for talks & sms but many times that also fails when there is no reply/busy/not reachable etc. etc.
Priyank, here ram indeed! I mean one has to marvel how common this site is!Hobo, when people work full time and then blog like crazy, their phones go crazy too 😀
hare Rama! Good timing Mridula.
you need real talent to balance that thing!
Yes Bindu and it is quite scary to watch!
Innovation! And you seem to have been real close to him to take that picture.
VS, no it looks closer in the picture and I was not driving.