It seems that the rain gods are angry. They seem to be adding to the already quite full to the brim woes of the Commonwealth Games.
I sometimes get stuck in traffic due to Commonwealth Games traffic drills. But more often than not I am stuck because of the rain gods. Today was scary. So scary that I forgot to press the end button when I thought a video was complete.But the one that I have posted above would give you a flavor. For a few kilometers I drove through such water. And then I was stuck at one particular spot for 45 minutes. I know do not even have the strength to say rain rain … go away.
PS. I took the video when I was standing still in the traffic.
Wow! That’s a lot of water. Hope Delhi remains safe from the increasing Yamuna levels.
heard yamuna is 2m above danger mark…
OMG, really flooded.
Send some rains here
Sankara I too hope for the same.
Shrinidhi the pictures I saw on TV yesterday were indeed scary.
Chitra I would say take them away, please. 😀
It seems sister of Yama taking her revenge for calling her “nullah”
I hope they and you are appeased now with the rains 😀
absolutely love Tarun’s comment!!good one, Tarun! and Mridula, its just a nuisance since u arent used to it… and the cwg just makes things worse, i guess…. btw, my bhabhi i going to be dancing as part of the opening ceremony.. will u be attending?