For me it was a big achievement to sit and not fall off in the river from the raft. And there was Vikram from Rimo Expeditions ( and no, I was not invited by them to write about them) and all others as well, who could stand on the moving raft as if they were standing on the land!

There were six of us in Vikram’s raft and three of them had rafted with him before. They were continuously asking him to do the summersalt. He kept telling us that he had cold and was not in a mood to do so. But in the end he agreed.

I managed to click just in time.

its wonderful. want to try rafting, some time in my life.
Nilesh it is a lot of fun and easy depending on the stretch they chose. If there are no major rapids then it is really easy, otherwise one gets a dip in the Ganges. 😀