Mushroom soup is my all time favorite, if I have a choice I hardly have any other soup. Had it the day before yesterday at Della Adventure’s PNF Restaurant. Actually before going to Lonavala due to the name Della Adventure, I thought of it as an adventure place basically but it is actually much more than that. But as I am quite caught up now I would leave you with the Mushroom Soup only and get back to you with the details of the concept in another post.
one of my fav soups!
looks yummmy…but me a chicken soup person….that one for soul 😛
sure looks yummy, but i prefer tomato! waiting for the detailed post… even i thought it would be completely adventure based!
Mridula – time for you to try “authentic” Thai, Mexican and Vietnamese soups.
Rocksea, it is my all time favorite.
Tarun 😀 as I am a vegetarian this has to do for my soul.
Anu, if tomato soup is done well, I like it too but sometimes it tastes too synthetic.
Atul where do I get them?