They say one of the best advices in photography is to ‘slow down’. I somehow feel it is an advice that I would do well to heed in life as well. It is one of those days when everything feels just like a mad rush. But then I will restrict myself to photography thoughts only….
Tag: Simple Photography Tips

Chimping or No Chimping- That is the Question
About a year ago I was not even aware what chimping was. Hence whether I did it or not was irrelevant. But now that I know, I also know that I am not a big offender. In fact I am probably on the other side of the equation, I hardly chimp. But if you have…

Simple Photography Tips IV
It is time to get back to the simple photography tips in 2015. So here are three more for you to consider, critique and play around with. Once again I am focusing on tips that can be used with any camera. 1. Altering the Perspective Most of shoot a picture standing straight at the eye…

Simple Photography Tips III
So, I am back with more simple photography tips which are camera independent. They will work with any camera you use. If you wish to look at previous tips, here are part I and part II of the series. Keeping the Horizon Straight I was not even aware that I used to mess up my horizons…