I stood outside the Saigon Central Post Office, in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, clicking pictures. The yellow colored building with green windows looked impressive from the outside. I was trying to include the colorful wares of the local vendors hanging around the premises. And as usual I was not liking any of the pictures I clicked!

Right across the road was the Notre Dame Church (do not confuse it with the Paris one) and I was tempted to hop over. But the Church was closed for repair work, so I walked over to the post office wondering why were we visiting a post office of all places! But one look at the interiors and I knew the place was special.

The building was constructed from 1886 to 1891 by the French. It is said to have Renaissance, Gothic and French Colonial design influence but if I would be honest I can’t tell one from the other. I am your average tourist to whom the building looked great, particularly the interiors. But ask me to differentiate between Renaissance and Colonial and you lost me at R, more so when I am tired. It has been designed by Frenchman Alfred Foulhoux. If you are interested in the history of the post office head over here and read more.

The post office still functions as a post office but it popular with tourists. I was told I could mail a post card back home if I wanted but I gave it a pass. I was more interested in walking around and taking pictures. The floor was impressive, the arches were grad and the whole effect was amazing!

Our group was supposed to spend a short amount of time here and then move on. But someone went to mail a post card back home and that gave me some time. I stood at the entrance, holding my cell phone in one hand and the DSLR in another to click this shot and after about 50 tries I gave up in frustration. Later, I thought I got maybe one okay shot, the one you see above, though the cell phone in my hand is slightly crooked.
I visited Saigon Central Post Office on the first day of my Vietnam trip, I was still tried. The beauty of it hardly registered on my sleep deprived brain. But when I look back, I feel like I missed up on the opportunity to explore more. However, now that you have read this post, if you ever find yourself around there, go prepared. It is a stunning building and it is totally worth visiting.
PS. My trip to Vietnam my sponsored by Indigo.
PPS. This post belongs to me @mridulablog and you should be reading it at Travel Tales from India and Abroad.