The people who have been with this blog would certainly recognize that romance is not my choice of topic but once in a while I do crazy things! So I wrote for Travel Write Asia an article named- Romantic Getaways in Malaysia. Do check it out. And now that I am on the topic, I did not include Redang in my list on Travel Write Asia but if you are looking for secluded and beautiful places, Redang too should feature on your list!
This article was part of a publication for Tourism Malaysia. If you enjoyed this article and would like to find out more about travelling to Malaysia, please visit the Tourism Malaysia website.
Nice article.
Wow – fabulous and dramatic!
Will check out. BTW the picture is beautiful..
thts such a beautiful pic!!!!!!! lemme now hop on n read the article
nice article, Mridula!!! the photos are just wonderful!!!
Yes Malaysia have wonderful romantic places..