Sojha, Near Shringi Vatika, I Surely Would Like to Go Back! By now, I have told to countless people that I left my cell phone in a taxi on a trip to Shringi Vatika in Himachal Pradesh. The next thing that I tell them is that the taxi fellow gave it back to the hotel…
Tourism: Some Quotes from a Journal Article
I have been reading a few journal articles on tourism (when a person like me in academics takes to tourism as a hobby, this was bound to happen). I came across the article ‘A Theory of Tourism’ from a database. The article has been written in German by Hans Magnus Enzensberger in 1958. It was…
Shringi Vatika, Ghiyagi, Himachal Pradesh
I have already written about our journey to Shringi Vatika. So, I will continue from there. I remember finding the weather very cold and it was raining lightly almost all the time. We had many cups of tea and sat next to the fire that the owners had got going. It was followed by soup…

The Bakri Wala (shepherd) at the Markha Valley, Ladakh
I somehow feel like blogging about an old incident today. We went to Ladakh in June 2005. The plan was to trek through the Markha Valley. We completed the first day’s trek upto Jhinchan successfully but then the trouble began. I developed a thoroughly upset stomach. We continued for small distances for the next two…
Guest Blogging at India Travel Blog
When Arun at India Travel Blog asked me if I would do an email interview and a post at his blog I was quite thrilled. The interview is now up at his blog. Many of his questions made me think hard before I could reply to them. The toughest to answer was this On the…
Kungis Soup: Himachali Cusine
How many of you recognise this plant? Those who frequent the hills, chances are they know this is the bicchu jari (rough translation: scorpion plant, I do not know its real name). It stings if you touch it. Now this time at Shringi, I realized that they make a soup out of it (a different…

I got tagged by my sis, Alka and I need to share three of my dreams. When I thought more about it, it seems I get mild nightmares more than pleasant dreams! But how can I ignore a tag by my sis, so here I go. 1.This is probably the worst of the lot. Sometimes,…
The Journey to Shringi Vatika, Himanchal Pradesh
The Stream at Shringi Vatika, Himanchal Pradesh We spent two and a half days at Shringi Vatika in Himanchal Pradesh. Reaching there itself was a task. Both of us are not fond of driving and the motion sickness complicates the issue further. So, we reached ISBT (bus station in New Delhi) to take a bus…
Jobs Some People Stumble Upon
Lucky Nicolai. First he gets a hotel job like this: The staff would smoke throughout the day, around the prepared food, and even while preparing food. And when you’ve worked for hours without a break, while the majority of the staff are sitting around smoking and talking, it gets on one’s nerves. But it wasn’t…
Three Cheers for the Comments Too
I have said it before and I am saying it again, one of the biggest reward of blogging are the comments. Raman (unfortunately he doesn’t seem to blog as of now) left a comment on my Jeep Skidding post which is as good as a post in itself. I am quoting it below. Drivers. We…