A Rainy Day at Gurgaon For the second day the rains have continued at Gurgaon and at one level thank heavens for that! But at another level commuting becomes one complicated affair. Sesha decided to come with me today as he was not too keen to drive in the pouring rain. I dropped him to…
Friday is for Flowers- A Basket of Lilies and Roses
Blue Roses and White Lilies (Clicked at the Trafford Centre, Manchester, UK)
The Way it is Raining!
I started off for the office with a thudding heart. It was raining yesterday evening, it rained through the night and when I started in the morning it was still raining. That can only mean one thing, and that one thing is trouble. Running from the Rain I park my car midway and then travel…
The Way it Rained! Plus Some More Truck Art
Rains at Gurgaon I was coming back from work and it was around 6.10 pm, time when there is wide day light on a normal day. It had started raining when I left and it kept on getting dark. Soon it was so dark that all the vehicles started switching on the lights. And after…
The Morning Commute
The Morning Commute, Gurgaon
A Dash of Color in a Grey City
A Dash of Color, Street Vendors, Gurgaon When I start my morning commute the place feels so grey. And they way we all drive, the less said the better. Plus the fact that I am not a morning person, adds to my sense of grey. In that grey drive, I have often seen this dash…
Obsessed with the Truck Art these Days!
More OK Tata on the Trucks, Gurgaon More OK Tata just above the wheels in the middle of the truck! Same cow and the calf theme! Yet to find one that doesn’t believe in ‘horn please.’ This one has an additional line ‘fir milenge’ which is ‘we will meet again’.
Walking Away from Nariyal ke Laddu
Nariyal ke Laddu I have a huge sweet tooth and I also care that I do not gain too much weight. With tabel Tennis gone out of the schedule, I am scared to eat too much sweetsh. So when at lunch I saw this white looking stuff, thinking it is the normal Rasgulla, I took…
Sunset Today- Gurgaon
Sunset at Gurgaon, Today I was roaming out and chatting with my sis on the phone in the evening. She asked if I had taken any picture today and I said no, instead I was working in the garden. Then while walking I saw that the sun was still quite high and I might manage…
Feeling Lazy about Writing the Orchha Trip
Vultures at the Cenotap, Orchha It rarely happens to me that I do not wish to write a trip account but this is one of those rare occassions. Let us see if blogging about it breaks the jinx.