Once again the picture was taken from the flight from Dubai to Manchester, somewhere over Alps. On that trip I did only two things, watched back to back movies and clicked pictures of th scene below, left right and center. Most of the times, when I would find the movie slow I would look out and click a picture. Needless to say I was on a window seat and if I could have it my way, that is what I would like to have for every flight.
Really beautiful!!!! It must be so wonderful out there!!
yes ya nature’s everything…
🙂 Even I like Window seats not to see outside, but to rest my head and sleep 🙂
Nice picture :)…..
Anu I throughly enjoyed the flight.
I am glad we agree on something Ramesh! 😀
Doli, I fret so much when I see someone sleeping on a window seat, I mean they should take an aisle seat.
Thank you Tarun.
Nature is indeed the biggest inspiration!
And a source of solace too for me at times, what do you say Celine?