I decided to check out the Love UK 3D Photo Competition at DLF Place, Saket today. I decided to take the Metro to Saket and then try and figure out where the DLF Place mall was.

When I got out at Saket Metro station there was no mall in sight. So I asked an auto driver how far DLF Place was.He said it was quite far but gave me the directions too. Walking was a bad idea in the end, not because the place was too far away but because the day was very hot. So after walking for quite some time and dripping in sweat I reached the DLF Place.

As soon as I walked a few feet this was the view that greeted me. There were monsters, there was a boat and there was the artist at work. I was happy that they had not started yet, I wanted to eat something and desperately longed for a cup of tea.

So at this stage when the display screens etc were being checked I decided to head for a quick bite. But before that I asked the artist (wish I had asked his name as well) how many days it took them to paint it. They said it took them about 5 days! I have often said that I can’t even draw a line straight with a scale hence for me this art is simply awesome.

So after having Pani Puri, Idli Sambar and Tea I headed back to the Love UK 3D Canvas Photo Competition area. Now there were people around and the fun had started.

I can assure you that it was very difficult to get the entire canvas empty but I managed to capture it somehow when there was a moment of lull. I am actually waiting to claim my photo on the Facebook. I stood on the boat to get my picture clicked but more later when I can show you the official pictures.

I think this group was associated with the competition, but I am guessing simply because they were more formally dressed. But it was fun watching then give it a go.

I think I will talk more about my picture once it is upon the Love UK Facebook Competition site but it is difficult to believe that I could get quite silly in the end, quite unlike this graceful British Airways lady.
Good effort; good pictures. Terrific!
wonderful!! this sounds really interesting!would like to attend something like this in bbay!
Best Wishes for the competition.
Re: Paani Puri
I love to eat Dahi Puri.
Really something different….. Very interesting event…. I will love to have similar things in Kolkata….
Great!! I am seeing something like for the first time in India.
Mridula, how did you manage going there on a weekday? 🙂
Thanks Julia.
Anu I was glad this one was in Delhi. 😀
Appu I went more for the fun of it. Competition is very tough.
Debopam I agree it was fun.
Nisha I took a day off 😀 I rarely do that so have plenty of leaves!