It has been a fabulous year for me personally. I really went places. You can read the round up here (scroll down to the third account but chances that you will read it all!)
I would remember it as an year when I managed to haul myself up to the Everest Base Camp.
Then I went to Malaysia twice, my first international invitation as a blogger! I am a happy traveler!
Hi Mridula,
You’ve been to so many wonderful places, quite an adventure.
Everest base camp must have been the toughest I guess.
Keep it going strong in 2013 as well.
Happy New Year 🙂
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Pictures are so fabulous. The glow of India gate is an ominous sign, All is not lost. Let’s not give up!
Congratulations on being one of the Top 2 bloggers in the Cinthol campaign as well.
Pictures are toast for eyes. Happy New Year.
Everest base camp? Wow! That’s a great achievement.