After visiting Rawli Tatgarh Wildlife Sanctuary I decided to take it easy and just walk around the resort property at Laksham Sagar in the evening. The rooms are spread in a semi-circle around the lake and they have made a path for the guests to walk around. They are still working on the path so that later one could go around it in a circle.

While walking I met two charming girls who were bringing tea to the people working on extending the path. They agreed to pose for me.

A while later Gajendraji and I reached the end of the trail and beyond that work was going on. Gajendraji asked the girls to give me a cup of tea too and they readily did! With some tea inside me I happily walked back to the pink restaurant for sunset and more tea. The next day morning I was heading back home.

And my trip account would not be complete without a big word of thanks to the staff at Lakshman Sagar. They not only said that I was the princess of the place they treated me like one!
Nice experience Mridula. To be at such a serene place itself is a memorable experience.
Nice experience Mridula. To be in such a serene place itself is a memorable experience.
Your narration took me to there. Love the photo of the two girls – so much innocence.
And it seems you are a regular traveler. Waiting to read more from you.
This seem sso much like ur kinda place rt!