I have to admit I am no fan of breads. Neither would you be if for 5 years (that was when I was doing my graduation and post graduation) all you got for breakfast was bread, the sliced variety that you can buy in India at every nook and corner. Whenever I have made this statement people tell me that I have never tasted decent bread then. I guess they have a point. But I still do not like bread and I almost never eat it.

So when I saw this sign about Gingerbread next to the Church at Grasmere, I would say I was not too excited. But there was a notice board full of interesting things about the bread and the shop and too many people were going in so I too decided to venture in. They had one piece at 50p (in August 2011) so I bought it too. I took it with me and went for a walk. I also read that a pack of 6 was for 4 pound 50p.
After walking for a while I decided to eat the bread and found it quite good! After a while I decided to walk back and take the lake path. I went into the shop again and asked for the 6 piece pack. A laughing Tim (scroll down to the end of the link to see his picture) told me, “You liked it, so now you want a pack of 6! Finish it off and come back for a pack of 12!”
I ate all the six quite easily but 12 would be a little too much for one person. Next time if I ever end up at Lake District it would be Grasmere where I would like to stay.
I love bread of any kind!! and though I have had gingerbread before ( at a friend’s place), this one sounds really yum!!!
Ginger bread sounds interesting, eaten garlic bread. I love bread in any form.