The Brat and the Sage were lounging around the living room on a lazy Sunday afternoon. The Sage was excited as she was going to travel soon! The Brat asked her if she ever worried about the security of the home while she was away. Here is how the conversation went:
The Brat: So when you travel do you worry about the safety of the home?
The Sage: Not really, because not all of us travel together. Someone or the other is at home. That is the advantage of living with an extended family.
The Brat: If I were you I would be even more concerned about the elderly being alone at home.
The Sage: What are you driving at?
The Brat: That you should start thinking …
The Sage: I am always thinking, but with you around no one can have any peace anyway even for a moment.
The Brat: I am serious …
The Sage: So am I! What gives you the idea that I am not!
The Brat: You never mentioned it before …
The Sage: I would if you would let me get a word in edge wise occasionally! After all, you also live with an elderly person; you should be equally concerned about your home!
The Brat: Anyway I don’t keep anything valuable at home.
The Sage: How about your passport? And a burglar won’t know what you keep!
The Brat: I see…you do have a point.
The Sage: I am happy to hear that you can see occasionally! Anyway, I recently stumbled across this security company’s FB page, Godrej I think. I Whatsapped you the link, by the way, so do have a look. I’ve just started following their updates.
The Brat: So you figured out Whatsapp finally …
The Sage: Listen to me please, even though I know it is very tough for you. We are lucky to live in a neighborhood where people still interact with each other. Take a look at the comic strip I sent you, if you want to know what can happen when we leave our homes unsecured. Go ahead, take a look.
The Brat: Oh no, there is no charge in my phone!
The Sage: So your fancy phone also needs to be charged? I thought it got recharged using air!
The Brat: Let me plug it in and watch the clip. We need to discuss this at the earliest!
They meet again the next day and the Brat can’t wait to talk about the comic.
The Brat: Ok, I checked out that comic you shared, I think…you might be right….
The Sage: Come again…what was that… I can’t believe my ears!
The Brat: I always thought my neighbors would watch out for me, in fact, I blindly believed it. Now…I think differently…
The Sage: Ok…so what are your plans?
The Brat: Well, step 1 is obvious enough- I’m getting an Alarm system fitted! Step 2, I guess would be a Home Safe.
The Sage: Well, today is a day of many firsts…I completely agree with you! In fact I’m headed to Godrej Security Systems right now…if you want to join me.
Safety of home is something every traveler is worried about when traveling….a product worth checking
Thanks Prasad.
Nice way to introduce Godrej security system.
Thank you Abhijit 😀
Nice post 🙂
Thank you Meera.
The Godrej Security locks does look quite substantial to suit one’s personal needs. Awesome product and yes I am talking from personal experience. I have already bought the product and was just checking for reviews by fellow buyers. 🙂