What do the Eyes See?
This elephant was waiting for food at the Dubare Elephant Camp in Coorg. On a whim I decided to focus on the eyes. Aren’t they beautiful? I have uploaded a bigger picture of this elephant earlier. This trip was for a blogger’s meet with the Club Mahindra.
M i hope u dint go too closer to the jumbo yar..i saw those attack by elephants in kerala on tv…scared the wits out of me..do take care..btw, a question..as u have mentioned u r in the field of education…any tips for teachers..u can easily presume on whose behalf i am asking this..hehe..
Awesome. Seems you've been there and done that for most places :-DDubare is close by but I still got to check it out!The elephant looks perturbed.
Elephants can hear upto 5 miles.Is that true ?
Hey Mridula, this was the picture of the elephant's eyes that you mentioned when I posted a similar one.The link to the bigger picture is even better.
Gosh! Had never seen an elephant's eye so closely Mridula. Thanks!
What do the eyes see, indeed! And what does he think? I have wondered so many times why elephants let us – stupid, tiny humans – push them around.
simply lovely…so well captured…it gets very scary to go near these jumbo elephants along with the camera in hand…well done!
Ramesh, no we were separated by a wall, the elephant and me. Tips for teachers? maybe the biggest one is that you still play a role in the life of your students, don't take the amount influence your words can have lightly.Sangfroid it was waiting for food!No idea Hobo.Sid this is the very picture.I also have been there only through my camera Juila.Bindu you have a point there.Thank you Flyingstars the elephant and I were separated by a wall.
All I can see is sadness in those eyes – they just seem sad :(I was there early this year only to find elephants walking around with chains all over them. Sad.
Christelle thanks for stopping by and maybe you are right 🙁
gr8 closeup! and boy … i too had attempted a very similar shot (and posted it @ my photo blog) couple of yrs back … from u know where … dubare 🙂
Thanks for the link Sandeep, the first image is quite striking.