Do you have a comment policy for your blog? I never had a formal one and I hardly ever need to delete any comment. The few that I deleted were either obscene or blatant advertising.
But these days there is a spurt in comments that are vaguely on topic and then have links (sometimes more than 1) to a commercial website.
What do you do with such comments? I have deleted them till now but with a vague feeling. Thought I would write about it and then see how I feel.
I have till now managed without comment moderation but now I am seriously wondering.
maybe it means your blog is getting popular 🙂
Delete the stupid posts when you see them first….simple..Moderation can be seen as a signs of paranoia. But still its your blog and ball rests in your court :)Personally, those who put such post don't return back. Its my experience with my blog.
Mindspace maybe my blog was always popular!Tarun thanks for sharing, I too do not like to moderate comments, so I will probably keep deleting comments that I feel are largely for the purpose of leaving links to commercial sites.
Thats a tricky one to decide upon. Irrelevant comments are scene spoilers. However, occasionally well meaning friends too leave irrelevant comments and sometimes that is more exasperating. I wouldnt delete comments unless they are offensive.
For such comments I usually check how relevant the comment is, to the blog post. If it is related or if I feel the comment is written after reading my blog a bit and not a generic one posted in many blogs, I do not mind a link or two.links in comments are nofollowed by default.
VS and Shrinidhi thank you for your input. Shrinidhi thank you for the nofollow input.
i also go the 'moderation' route and doesnt allow any advertising in my blog. as shrinidhi mentioned the links within a comment is usually nofollow (defenitely so for if u r using, but still why keep something stupid or unrelated in ur post? a comment has to be a 'comment' and shud be abt the post not abt somebody's new website or blog or product!personally, i also feel a bit creepy and hesitate to comment in a post which already has some advertising comments.