It was my niece Vasudha who spiked my interest in the Dead Sea, Jordan when she heard that her masi (Aunt) was going. She read in her geography lesson that you could easily float in the Dead Sea. She was quite excited that I was visiting it. Of course she wanted to come but I gave her the ghisa pita (usual) answer, that her masi is not that rich and we will have to wait! I could go because I was invited by the Jordan Tourism Board. Before this conversation happened, I was only mildly interested in Dead Sea.
From the Amman Airport we straight headed to the Dead Sea which is 427 meters below the sea level. Our guide was explaining all this but to my sleep deprived self, it was simply not sinking in. However at the first site of the lake, yes Dead Sea is a lake, all my tiredness vanished. The sky was blue and so was the lake. Like a mirage in the distance I could see ‘floating’ white mountains.
We were staying at Holiday Inn which has its own beach. It was not too crowded in the morning. I almost ran to the beach and got into the water. Once I started floating it was difficult to stand up. It was as if the water was pushing you up and wanted to keep you horizontal. The Dead Sea water and mud is said to be full minerals which are good for the skin.
However let me warm you as the water is 9.6 times more salty than the sea, even a few drops in the eye or the mouth cause severe discomfort. I was lucky, I just got one drop in the eye once. Even that was stinging like mad but only for a few seconds. People who managed to splash it liberally would be seen running to the shower or the water can kept by the thoughtful lifeguards, to get it out of their mouths and eyes. So, you have been warned.
The Dead Sea mud pack is said to be very good for skin. They put it in pots at Holiday Inn next to the beach, you were free to pick it up and smear yourself liberally. And that is how I managed to click the Dead Sea alien selfie. There are even more horror inducing photos of mine but I will give it a pass for now. However, I was not alone.
The life guards at the resort were always happy to lend a hand if you wanted to get some mud art done at the Dead Sea, Jordan. This was a large group from Australia and I so loved their spirit of travel. They were loud, they didn’t care how they looked and they dragged each-other in water among other fun things. They knew how to have fun! I am so much more dull even when I might be 15 years younger to many of them!

Before going to a new destination, I usually Google it for images. I knew reading in the Dead Sea was an iconic picture! I initially planned to take a PG Wodehouse I was carrying but I was scared to soak it in the lake. After breakfast, I spotted an Arabic newspaper on the stands and I decided to risk it rather than the book. It was a good decision as when I got up, I soaked the newspaper thoroughly! That PG Wodehouse was a borrowed book too.
I hope one day and that too not in too distant future I will be able to take my brats to the Dead Sea, the only thing that scares me is that they will liberally get water in their eyes and mouth, so it is better to wait a while I guess. Oh and I need to save tons of money too!
Great adventure. Had to laugh at the Dead Sea alien!
Thank you Lady Fi. 😀
That first one is a really beautiful shot.
Thank you Jim.
Hey Beautifully written post and lovely pics !
Thank you Ananya.
I’m just curious whether you probed into the Dead Sea Scrolls.
That is on the Israel side.
Hey, i really liked your post.
Not only the post but also the pictures.
The newspaper one is simply amazing.
One day, i too plan to visit Jordan.
I hope you go there soon.
Wow! Rare shots,i hope to go there too.
You will enjoy the place Thomas.
These are excellent shots Mridula…I wish to be there some day… 🙂
I hope you go there soon 😀
Lovely serie! A great sky!
Thank you Hans.
nyc i was watching one documentary on the same..lovely
Thank you.
Loved the first shot!
The mud pack one is no less though;)
Thank you Amit 😀
Wow! Lovely holiday in the dead sea! 🙂 I like that mud pack. 🙂
Renuka mud packs were really fun. 😀
Wow…this is really awesome (Y) …..have heard about the dead sea once…and the dead sea alien face is funny 😛 🙂
Thank you Akash 😀
Does any one drown in dead sea? Nice article. I wish I go there sometime.
Abhijit you can drown in dead sea, if not in conventional sense, but because of other reasons. Just google it. Resorts employ life guards like any other regular water point.
🙂 Loved the alien photo!
Thank you Chaitali 😀
Hey I didn’t know dead sea is a lake! Thanks for letting out the information on the after effects of splashing water in the eyes there as that’s the first thing I love to do in any water body… Chhapaak chhapaak!!!
Shaivi here you would not like a drop in your eyes! 😀
Dead sea alien .. does look Alien 🙂
Bikram that was the intent 😀
Photos reveal that you had a lot of fun there! Just couldn’t control my laughter after reading the caption beneath your selfie 😀 Thanks for sharing the very interesting facts with us!
The Arts & Me
Thank you for your kind words Sindhu.
That sounds like a lovely experience.
It was a lovely experience Niranjan.