This happened on a very cold day at dawn. I should have logically been fast asleep. I did not put any alarm to get up at sunrise. I also watched a lot of movies on TV the night before! And yet my eyes opened on its own and the view from the window at Palampur (Himachal Pradesh, India) was worthy of getting out of the bed without a single thought.
I wrapped myself in the thick jacket and went out to the balcony of my room with my camera. It was cold! And all I have are three snaps. By the time I clicked the third snap (below) the colors were almost all gone!

Clouds at Palampur Himachal Pradesh, India
I was so happy that I managed to catch the magic in the sky that day! A few minutes later and it would have been an average clouded sky! I was once listening to a very famous wildlife photographer and he said he would get up at the crack of dawn every day when he was shooting! I am far far away from doing anything like that!
This is my town and i love this place from heart unfotunatly i am far away from this place and from these sights due to work and missing my home town alot… mam these snap which you take are awesome but this is only just a trailor of the palampur’s beauty,,….
Great post and Palampur is such a beautiful place! I recently came back from there 🙂