Once Again- ‘Horn Please’ in Hindi After looking at the pictures I keep clicking of the trucks I think I should start carrying my ancient Nikon 3200 in my purse once again. The resolution of the mobile phone is too low at 2 megapixels. The number of the pictures on the road have gone up…
Category: Uncategorized
Oktatabyebye.com can’t use the word ‘Tata’?
I thought that Tata was an English word apart from being the name of the business house controlled by Tatasons. The dictionary link above says that the word Tata has been in use since 1823 and the Tata Sons website uses 1868 as the starting point of their ‘heritage’. To my readers from other countries…
Off Tomorrow!
Hopefully I will get to click a lot of pictures and some of them would turn out well. Have a nice extended weekend for those who have a off on Friday in India. Have a very nice weekend everyone.
Gurgaon as seen though my Cell Phone!
Construction Workers Crossing the Road in a Group, Gurgaon Truck Art- ‘Ambulance‘ on the back of the Truck, A case of confused identity? Going home, however they can! VS and Sanfroid there is a little bit of Green in Gurgaon for the Goats
Dumb, Dumb, Dumb- That’s Me!
I don’t know why it took me ages to subscrie to all the blogs I read in Google Reader. I did this a few weeks ago and it has made my life so simple. I wonder how I survived without doing so for such a long time.
More Power to the Internet! Missing Person Found in India through Indiamike
On July 28, 2009 I was browsing through my favorite travel message board Indiamike. They have a section for members where you can see unanswered threads. I was answering some posts which had no replies. I had started doing it recently. I read a thread about a missing person in India. It had gone unanswered…
Should I Watermark My Old Pictures
When I wrote about my Prashar Lake pictures getting copied, many of you suggested me to watermark it. I will have to go picture by picture but I am OK with it. Will it mess up my feeds completely for those who subscribe to this blog in a reader? Will it change the way google…
A Young Mango Sapling
A Young Mango Sapling Sprouting Due to Rain Whenever I eat a mango I throw away the seed in the garden. So when the rain falls (and it fell in buckets yesterday, led to water logging all around and added 45 minutes extra to my commute due to traffic jams) they start sprouting. But my…

Two New Words Learned Today- Ethno Tourism and Making Lazy
Came across two new words today- Ethno-tourism (do look at the comment section) and Making Lazy (the word apears in the middle of the article) No, I am not telling you anytihng more about them.
Do You have a Comment Policy for Your Blog?
Do you have a comment policy for your blog? I never had a formal one and I hardly ever need to delete any comment. The few that I deleted were either obscene or blatant advertising. But these days there is a spurt in comments that are vaguely on topic and then have links (sometimes more…