I tagged Steve a few days back with a long list of books and now I got tagged back. The question in front of me is- What if you learned that you would soon be no more and you wanted to pass along all the lessons you have learned about life to a young person…
Category: Musing
Naini Lake at Sunset, Nainital
Naini Lake, Nainital, Uttrakhand I rarely indulge in nostalgia but today is one of those days … thinking about the travel of the last year, what I was working academically on … Maybe I will swap the December mood with October!
The Time is Almost Up, About Time I Got a New One!
It has been almost ten years, the passport has to be renewed. While any thought of dealing with the Indian bureaucracy sends a chill down the spine, what is to be done, is to be done. I have been such an infrequent traveler that even after ten years I do not remember my passport number!…
Reflection on the River Thames!
Reflection of a Duck on the Thames River, Oxford It was that time of the year in Oxford, UK (June 2008) when light used to be in abundance and it was easy to catch reflections on the river Thames. I love catching reflections in my photographs. Also, in the British college curriculum (BBA) there is…
Lazy Sunday Photo- Being Silly!
Being Silly- Jumping Down a Pile of Bricks I really like the picture above, my nephew and his friend jumping from a pile of bricks (when they are a little too old for this!) and my elder nephew clicked this picture. I mean when do we grow up so much that there is no time…
A Picture Every other Day- Sitting Duck
Sitting Duck- Picture Clicked at Best Western Resort, Manesar After looking at this picture I can understand why a sitting duck is considered an easy target! The bird looks so peaceful, unconcerned with the world and without a care in this world. Or is it hiding behind the rocks from everything that is to be…
Suhana Safar Aur Ye Mausam Haseen!
I don’t know how this Spiti picture escaped my notice for such a long time. Komik to Langza was the longest walk on this trek but the day was so beautiful, there were clouds and I think the song ‘suhana safar aur ye mausam haseen‘ (it is a pleasant journey and the weather too is…

I got tagged by my sis, Alka and I need to share three of my dreams. When I thought more about it, it seems I get mild nightmares more than pleasant dreams! But how can I ignore a tag by my sis, so here I go. 1.This is probably the worst of the lot. Sometimes,…

Thank You Lily and Tom
I got to know Lily through our chit-chat about India on our blogs. I met her and Tom last year around this time in December at Metropolitan Mall for Dinner. We really has a wonderful time and for quite sometime we chatted through our blogs and emails. Then she started posting less and I too…

Lunchtime Ritual
I came to office today determined to do a lot of work. But as soon as I occupied my chair I don’t know what happened. I was getting very restless. Lunchtime came and I had a nice chat with my colleagues. I have a lunchtime ritual. After lunch, I usually walk just outside the premises…