Dear Mountain Gods, You know how I worship your domain. Every little holiday I can scrape through, I try to run to your highest adobe, the Himalayas. Do you remember the days when I used to be your favorite child, when you would let me see so much beauty on my various treks and trips?…
Category: Cell phone photography

Six Hours in McLeod Ganj- Eat, Shop, Walk!
McLeod Ganj was not on my agenda, it just happened without any plans at the end of the trip to Kareri Village. I was talking my bus back from McLeod Ganj. We started early from Kareri and reached McLeod Ganj around lunch time, which is the best time to arrive there in my opinion. Eat…

Kareri Village in Pictures
There have been occasions when while posting a picture I have thought, “well I probably made it look better than it actually was!” On the other hand for each of the Kareri Village pictures I can safely say that the picture is actually inferior to the scenes. Try as I may, I was not able…

A Day Hike Around Kareri Village
For me walking is therapy, it almost always works to clear the cobwebs in my head. I guess there is something soothing about shutting everything out and just deciding where to keep the next step for a few hours! Or you can take the other view that my guide Sohan Singh ji is fond of…

Homestay at Kareri Village, Himachal Pradesh
Sitting by the fire in the kitchen I tell my hosts, I can’t remember when it was last I didn’t eat anything out of a packet for so many days in a row! Kareri is a sleepy little village in Kangra, Himachal Pradesh. I was incredibly lucky to do a homestay at Kareri Village. It…

The Real Nomads!
It all happened because of the small girl. She was at the hand pump, washing her face. We were visiting the museum at Sirpur. And that is when I met the real nomads! There were a lot of people camping in its grounds. I started kidding around with the children, soon they wanted a photo….

Videshi Aaye Hain! The Foreigners are Here!
While we were walking around the ancient excavations of Sirpur in Chhatttishgarh, I wandered a little on my own. I heard a bunch of women whispering to each-other, “Videshi aaye hain” (the foreigners are here). I was quite intrigued, because barring one of us, Mariellen Ward, who is from Canada all of us looked as…

If You Had to Pick Only One Picture III
It is almost time to let go of 2014. It has been a good year for me. So to sum up my travels for this year I continue with ‘if you have to pick up only one picture’ series. Only I am posting 10 pictures this time as I do need to warp up the…

The Last Trip of 2014- Sariska, Rajasthan
We did a quick trip to Sariska Rajasthan over the extended weekend. This was the first time in 2014 that all three of us traveled together! I took Chhavi out and Seshadri took Chhavi out, I went out and Seshadri went out but somehow the dates never coincided for the three of us. And more…

Naksel Boutique Hotel and Spa, Paro, Bhutan
I have stayed in some really beautiful hotels this year. I should also add that the expensive and swank ones happened because of the sponsored trips. One such hotel was Naksel Boutique Hotel and Spa in Paro, Bhutan. Paro is a tranquil place to begin with and Naksel is even further away from the small…