As a Traveler I am looking for two things in a mobile phone. One it should have a long lasting battery and two it should give me good pictures. Asus Zenfone Max scores well on both the criteria. The phone is price at Rupees 9999. I love the phones that do not break my bank and give me good value. This phone was given to me for review and it is mine to keep.

I used the phone extensively on my trips to Sri Lanka and Pench National Park. In those days I would be on the road for a long time. I am quite happy with the battery performance of ASUS Zenfone Max in such a scenario. I never had to take out the power bank to charge the phone mid-way! And I use my phone heavily throughout the day using data!
For pictures I do not use my cell phone as my primary camera, as I have a SLR. However, having a cell phone that lets you take pictures quickly is a big help. ASUS Zenfone Max performs well in this area. Let me elaborate.

Photo Credit- Alvin Lim
In Sri Lanka I actually did a series #fromthemovingbus (you can search the hashtag on Twitter). I extensively took pictures from the moving bus throughout the day. The idea was to show how beautiful the country looked even from the moving bus. I compiled a blog post using those pictures and won the East Coast Blog Challenge at theCinnamon TBC Asia Conference and Awards. You can see the winning entry here. Using the ASUS Zenfone Max I also won a GoProfor #MobitelCare Twitter Contest!

That is the power of a cell phone with F2 aperture and laser auto focus. It worked brilliantly for my traveling needs. I often need to take a quick picture when taking out the SLR and framing the shot is not possible. The phone also comes in handy when I am feeling pure lazy and I do not want to lug around my SLR. The rear camera is 13 MP and the front camera is 5 MP, which is the standard configuration in many phones. However the laser focus and the F2 makes a difference.
The screen is big at 5.5 inches, initially it felt a little awkward to hold but I am used to it now. The phone has 2GB RAM but it is not slow at all! But do remember that I do not play video games. Any game that is found on my phone has been downloaded by the brat pack of my family also known as Brats 1, 2, 3 and 4 (Elder Nephew, Younger Nephew, Niece and Daughter) The phone uses Android OS. If you are a stickler for specs check it out at the ASUS page.

As a user I find the design of the phone comfortable. The back of the phone has a grip and I never feel that it will slip out of my hand. There are phones that initially give me a feeling that they will slip out of the hand. Not this one.
For me ASUS Zenfone Max is always going to be special as I won on the spot awards at the Cinnamon TBC Asia with it!
You are on a winning spree….may the spell continue…
Thank you so much Prasad!
Glad you finally found the phone that clicks amazing pictures. Yay. Congratulations on winning, many more to come. 🙂
Neeru let us see what comes next! 😀
The pictures clicked are pretty good. Congrats for your prized possession !
Thank you so much Atul!