I have to admit that I was quite excited to see the elephant on the road while coming back from work in the evening. Now cows, I am quite used to but I must admit, elephants are rare. I actually crossed the elephant without being able to take a picture. But when I went a little ahead, I decided to pull over to the side of the road and click a picture in the rear view mirror.
And while I am talking about the Indian roads I must tell you what happened to us today morning. We started getting calls from the students that the institute bus was stuck in a traffic jam because people of the nearby locality were sitting on the road. Their grievance? There was no water or electricity in their area since the last five days. We followed the institute bus, took a half an hour detour for a road that takes 3 minutes to cross and finally reach the college way past the normal time. And we were the lucky ones, we were behind the main scene and could take a detour. There were others who were stuck for 2.5 hours. But I digress, let us get back to the elephant story.

I took so much time to take picture in the rear view mirror that the elephant overtook my car! So I took one final picture and then moved on. Only 20 minutes later, I hit another road jam because of a temple that is on my way. Whenever there is a festival (which is on most of the days or so it seems to me) it leads to a traffic jam. I do not have the slightest of the clue what festival was it today but it took me an hour to cross the stretch that usually takes me 10 minutes.
And if you think my pulling over to the side of the road to click the picture was dangerous, fear not, there was ample space to pull over. And danger is a selective perception, I mean what danger when there was a whole elephant on the road?
I usually perceive elephants as harmless creature, except few political one which causes men and women to become elephants on the road…
nice one, Mridula! elephants on the road are more common here in bbay than in delhi…. and we frequently see one… now all i have to do is to buy a mobile camera so that i can click them!
Just wondering.. how does an elephant indicate when it wants to turn left or right?
elephentine effort paid off..hahha hande asked an intersting question der…lol..and thanks mridula…keep up the cheers..
That’s definitely something you don’t see every day!
Coming from Kerala elephants are very common site, we have festivals through out the year and there are lot of rules laid down by the Govt. as these harmless beings are tortured a lot.
I agree Tarun 😀
Anu having a camera in the mobile is handy for such shots even though the quality is not that great! I was not aware that you get to see more elephants on Mumbai roads, will wait to see a few pictures.
Shrinidhi and another question is do you overtake an elephant from the left or the right? 😀
Thanks Ramesh and I have no answer really to Shrinidhi’s question! 😀
Chita thanks for sharing the case of Kerela. Have you done a post on it?
Was it a trunk road?