It rained four drops on Sunday but even that brought out quit a few birds. This Laughing Dove was sitting on the ledge of the house behind ours. Oh! The joys of having a zoom lens finally. I wonder why it took me too years to buy a zoom lens after buying my SLR.
there u go 🙂 beautiful and sharp shot! next time do make sure that the eyes are open and sharp. that adds an extra beauty to bird / animal closeup shots
Thanks Sandeep. I actually have a shot where the eys of the dove are open but I preferred the dreamy look 😀
Oh my God the bird looks so cute 🙂
great pictures, mridula. all your recent ones..they're growing more interesting.
Thanks Doli.Good to see you here Kuffir after a long time.
Nice shot. More closeup would have been better :)Keep clicking 🙂
Thank you Megha, this is the maximum zoom my lens would give. And I was already leaning out from my balcony, a little more and I would have fallen off.
oh, i don't miss any blogs on my blogroll. except that i like to read more than one post at a time- like say, 4-5 posts..which means i miss the best until a little late..
Thanks Kuffir, 2009 has been travel filled till now 😀