I like visiting places which are not overrun by tourists. Pragpur in Himachal Pradesh falls under that category as of now. I was visiting the Judge’s Court and this was a one night trip. Reaching there was a mini adventure in itself, it should not have been though. But when two women and one clueless driver are out on the roads, unscheduled adventures are bound to happen.
After commuting for 64 kms every working day, I feel quite tried as the week eventually nudges towards Friday. However on that eventful Friday I was leaving for Pragpur at night by a taxi. On invited trips I just turn up and take things from there, no route finding or any other botheration for me. We headed out a little after 11.00 pm and I was quite jittery about how would I fare on the trip. I get so tired these days!
One thing that I didn’t bargain for was getting lost. I slept a deep sleep from 12 midnight to 2 am. We were approaching Ambala when I woke up. Pooja and the taxi driver had a discussion and I decided that all was well.
When we were about 75 km away from Shimla I was not so sure anymore. We were not supposed to be anywhere near Shimla. It was time to stop pretending that I could sleep through it all. At the toll booth of HP, I decided to get out and have a chat at the person behind the booth. We should have crossed a place called Una and I was quite sure that Shimla was not the correct way to approach it. To reach Pragpur one has to detour on the Dharamshala road. I know one can reach Dhramshala via Shimla but an internet search showed it to be more than 250 plus km. I am not fond of getting lost for so many kilometers!
I now have a fancy phone, a 41 megapixel Lumia1020 with HEREmaps on it. The trouble is I never used the navigation on my phone so I didn’t know how to switch it on when we needed it badly. When we turned back from that point towards Shimla I was desperate to reach Pragpur because my tired body wanted to pie down horizontally on a bed. I switched on the navigation from where ever we were and set it to Pragpur. It was some 167 km away. My phone battery lasted till Una. But by then it was 7.00 am and everyone knew where Pragpur was.
We finally reached Pragpur at 9.00 am. The Judge’s Court was such a welcome sight. After a heay breakfast I decided to crash till lunch. When Pooja woke me up at 1.00 pm I was still so disoriented that I opened the door and crashed on the bed once again! That is how the trip to Pragpur started!
I had only heard of Pragpur vaguely. But this image has made me curious and I look forward to more on this. Looks beautiful.
Paramvir, thank you and I have now done another post!
Waiting to read more about Pragpur trip. Please continue..
Tushar, thank you 😀 And I have done the next post.
I start is a sort of adventure. I hope rest of the trip was comfortable and relaxing. Waiting for next installment of the “mini” adventure. 🙂
Avinash after this there were no surprises!
Keep it coming…….the first picture was stunning and this little place sure seems interesting.
Thank you 😀
it is indeed beautiful . this place i have never even heard of.. I have been to una , shimla , dharamshala and all
so tell us more about this 🙂
Bikram it is a small village with one decent accommodation as now the Judge’s Court but more are coming up in Garli.
So, what happened next??? Eager to know… Superb capture makes me more eager…
The Arts & Me
Next is the regular tourist stuff 😀
You induced curiosity and stopped it… I am eager to read more 🙂
keep posting! cheers m/
Thank you 😀 And the next installment is ready!
Wow… some adventure that is. I admire your courage to travel like this!
Chaitali you have to deal with whatever happens 😀
I have been lost in wide day light with me at steering wheel… but night in a taxi is sure a bit different and scary!
Prasad it was not that scary as the taxi driver was quite sober. 😀